Tuesday, November 24, 2015

All About my Pets

  My name is Riley. My dogs names are Deccan  and Fletcher. My cats name is Tinkerbell. I love my pets vary much. Fletcher is a beagle. Deccan is a chocolate lab. I don't now what kind of cat Tinkerbell is. But she looks like an Oreo. I have a nickname for all of them. Fletcher's nickname is  caramel head. Tinkerbell's nickname is Oreo. Deccan's nickname is chocolate. My pets are vary  special.

Image result for chocolate labrador retrieverImage result for puppy'sImage result for black and white cat's


  1. Dear Riley,
    I love how you included all your pets in it and not just one. I also like how you put pictures that looked like your pets.

  2. Dear Riley,

    I like how you described your pets I really like their nicknames. I love how you found pictures of them the pictures look a lot like them.

